Yeshivas Kayitz Coral Springs Gatheres for Group Picture

On Thursday, Beis Menachem Av, Yeshivas Kayitz of Coral Springs gathered for a Group Picture.

This is actually the inaugural summer of Yeshivas Kayitz in Coral Springs, and BH it has been an amazing success. The program is led by Menahel Rabbi Eizicovics, joined by Rabbi Janowski, Rabbi Schechter and Rabbi Denburg who are there during the regular year. In addition, the Yeshivas Kayitz hired Shmuly Wudowsky along with five additional Eltere Bochrim; Arale Raskin, Eli Goldman, Levi Sudak, Mendle Moully and Sroly Goldstein to make the summer special.

The four week Program had a daily schedule packed with Learning, Sports and Activities including Grand Events, weekly Trips and a Shabbaton.

One of the unique advantages of the learning in this program was that it was full of interesting topics. For Gemara the Bochrim learned Meseches Chagigah with the option of finishing the entire Mesechtah with a Mivtzah Torah. Additionally there was a Seder of Hilchos Beis Habchirah, with a comprehensive booklet explaining all the measurements. Finally there was a Booklet for Seder Sichos all about the Rebbe’s Mivtzoyim, with beautiful excerpts from various Sichos and Letters.

As the successful pilot program draws to a close, the Hanahla are already planning an exciting YKCS 5784 with More Bochurim for next summer.

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