Weekly Story: Twenty Five Years Later
by Rabbi Sholom DovBer Avtzon
I heard the following story many years ago, (in the name of Reb Yaakov Levkiker) but this past week I heard it with many additional details so I am posting it now.
It was originally sent to me by Rabbi Yossi Shochat who heard it from someone of the Satmar Bikur Cholim on Sunday the 13th of Tammuz. The woman mistakenly said it was a brocha of the Frierdiker Rebbe, that saved her grandfather, which was beautiful to hear on his yom hageulah yud beis and yud gimmel tammuz. However, I found out that in actuality it was a brocha from the Rebbe Rashab. Nevertheless, I am posting this story lzchus a refuah shleima for HaRav Dovid ben Sarah Sasha.
It took me a few phone calls to members of the family. This is what I heard from his grandson.
My grandfather HaRav Alter Yitzchok Yaakov Wagschul was the Rov in Lanczyc a town in Galicia (Poland). When the German army may their remembrance be erased attacked Poland, the first ones they were trying to take captive were the Rabbonim and leaders of the community. Through Hashems’ miracles and kindness he was able to escape with his wife and five children to Russia.
On the 23rd of Sivan [I believe 5700 (1940)], the communist government decreed that all refugees have to become Russian citizens or they will be exiled to Siberia. People were in a dilemma, they were fearful that if they became Russian citizens, they might not be allowed to return to their home in Poland after the war. On the other hand, who wanted to live in Siberia, you might not live long enough for the war to end.
My grandfather heard that the tzaddik Reb Yitzchok Gvirzman, known as Reb Itzikol f Pshevorsk, (who later settled in Antwerp, Belgium) was in the vicinity so he together with others asked him what to do
Reb Itzila replied the 23rd day of Sivan is a wonderful day in the Jewish calendar; for on that day Motdechai wrote to the Jews the wonderful news that they are to defend themselves etc and change the cruel decree of Haman into a blessing, that crushed their enemies plans. So in truth this is a positive decree.
No one understood how being thrown out of your house in the middle of the night exiled to Siberia is positive. But a tzaddik’s vision is better than a regular person’s vision. The end was that those Jews who went to Siberia most of them survived and being that they were Polish refugees, after the war they were allowed to return to their homeland. However, those who became Russian citizens and remained in Russia many of them were killed in the war.
My grandfather Reb Alter was one of the Polish Jews that were exiled to Siberia.
In Siberia the communist authorities allowed a person to practice his religion, as long as you did so in the privacy of your home. However, it was forbidden to do so in a group setting or in someone else’s home.
Being that my grandfather was a Rov in Poland and he saw many religious Jews in the town that he settled in, he encouraged them one by one to come to his house and he had a minyan. He was arrested twice for a short period of time as a warning that this behavior is unacceptable. However, as a Rov that did not deter him, as he is answerable only to Hashem.
The third time he was arrested by the communist regime was more serious. This time they charged him with being counter-revolutionary and treason. He faced either a long sentence or even the possibility of a death penalty.
The day of the trial came and the judge was around fifty years old. He spoke harshly to my grandfather and didn’t allow anyone in the community to speak on his behalf. He then said, if the defendant wishes he can say something in his defense.
My grandfather said I am a religious Jew who is guided by Jewish law. Jewish law instructs us to pray for the well-being of the country and its government. I am personally indebted to this great country for giving me refuge from the onslaught of the German atrocities that are destroying the Jews.
I have with me a prayer book and the Honorable Judge and court can see the prayer we say every day.
In Jewish tradition the prayers of a quorum of ten is much more powerful than the prayer of an individual.
Therefore out of my deep and sincere appreciation and gratitude I asked nine other Jews to join me in this prayer. It is an act of loyalty, and not as a rebellion. We pray for the well-being and success of this great country!
The judge sat for a moment and then banging his gravel he declared Case dismissed.
The family’s relief was tremendous and many people there were shocked. This judge was so harsh with him and yet pardoned him. The speech must have swayed him.
Decorum is that no one leaves the courtroom before the judge. The judge stood up and began walking out and everyone stood up in respect.
As he passed by my grandfather, he stretched out his hand as if to say Comrade be loyal. My grandfather took his hand and said thank you, but he broke out in a sweat. He felt the piece of paper that the judge had just placed in his hand.
Realizing that secrecy must be maintained he put his hand and took something from his pocket, while placing the note there.
When he came home he looked at it and began to tremble. The judge wrote his address with the words hope to see you. What does he want from me?
However, his Rebbetzin said to him Alter don’t be nervous. If the judge wanted to harm you he could have easily done so. Go to him.
While my grandfather wasn’t positive that his Rebbetzin was correct, he knew that to disobey or even ignore the Judges request would be extremely foolish and perhaps dangerous. So that night he walked by himself as if he was out for a stroll and after making sure no one was following him he knocked on the judges door.
The Judge welcomed him in and asked him to sit down. He then said You think that you gave a beautiful speech in your own defense and that is why I dismissed the charges against you.
You should know that I heard better speeches from truly accomplished orators and I gave them severe punishments and sentences. So why did I free you?
Around twenty-five years ago I was drafted into the Czar’s army. My father was a chossid of the Rebbe Rashab of Lubavitch and he took me to the Rebbe pleading that the Rebbe give me a blessing that I would be able to be discharged by the draft board as we were informed that he did this on behalf of others.
The Rebbe replied “I can’t free him from the army service, however, I can promise him that he will survive. Please bring him in.”
I entered the Rebbe’s room and he said to me “I see you are a talented and an intelligent individual. You are going to rise in the ranks. I will promise you that you will live, if you promise me two things. 1. That you wear a tallis koton whenever possible. This way you will always be reminded that you are a Jew. 2. “That when you have the opportunity to help another Jew you do so.”
I gave the Rebbe my word and as you see his promise was fulfilled. I survived the war and rose in ranks until I became a judge.
So when you came in front of me today, I fulfilled my promise to the Rebbe.
The judge then unbuttoned his shirt and showed Reb Alter that he was wearing a tallis koton under his undershirt.
Boruch Hashem after the war my grandfather was able to leave Russia. He then came to America where he opened his beis hamidrash.
Now the aftermath of this story.
After the war in 1967 the difference of opinion between Lubavitch and Satmar was evident. Nevertheless, when Lubavitcher chassidim came to Willamsburg on yom tov many shuls allowed them to speak and say over a teaching of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
However, as the years passed some shuls became more aligned with Satmar and some of them no longer allowed the Lubavitchers to speak or even to enter. This came to a head in 5737 (1976) when there was an organized act to stop Lubavitchers from speaking.
The president of my grandfather’s shul decided that he too would ban them, however, this he cannot do on his own and decided to discuss it with the Rov.
My grandfather informed him that he will allow them to speak and the man protested saying that the Rov is giving him no choice but to sever his relationship with the Rov and the shul that was so dear to him for so many years.
My grandfather asked him to hear him out and related the above story.
He then said If the Rebbe of Lubavitch helped save my life, his chassidim are always welcomed in my shul. A Jew has hakaras hatov.
Rabbi Avtzon is a veteran mechanech and the author of numerous books on the Rebbeiim and their chassidim. He can be contacted at avtzonbooks@gmail.com
I get it! There was no mistake here. Every coincidence is Ka (Yud Kay) incidence!
A son is in the hospital for his father who needs a brocha.
It’s Chag Hageluah of all yidden and the ba’al ha’simcha is the Freirdikre Rebbe.
The son of the Rebbe’s Rashab sent a story to another son: a story about a brocha from his father, that saved a life.
This brocha was sent for the son’s father.
I like this story because it spreads over the time of three Rebbes, from brocha of Rashab, to talucha in Williamsburg…and that it was told by a non-Lubavitcher…thanks for all the details!
I wonder why the judge’s father, a chosid of the Rashab, didn’t ask the Rashab for a brocha that his son should entirely be spared from the draft (as many did)?
The story tells that the Rashab said, ““I can’t free him from the army service”. Maybe because this boy’s shlichus was to go to the army, later become a judge, and then save this Yid. That’s why the Rashab couldn’t save him from the army!
But why would the Rashab pick tzitzis as one of the conditions? The Rebbe MHM did not include tzitzis in the mivtzoyim.
I wonder what became of this judge? Did he ever return to yoddishkeit? Did his children come back to being chasidim?
I have trouble with stories of the Rebbe telling someone to just keep one or two mitzvos of the 613 mitzvos. It just feels off.
These comments are fantastic. They demonstrate that readers are contemplating the story and delving into the details as they internalize the messages and teachings into their lives, on a very practical level. I can learn from these comments that when we hear a story, it should be studied like a blatt Gemorah or a maamor chassidus. Wonderful.
Crown Heightser
There is a famous expression: You can’t ask questions on a story (because that is what happened). All the questions asked have one answer: It’s a story, just accept it. Like a dream, you can’t ask questions why this or that happened in the dream. Stop with the silly questions!
This is a question best left for a mashpia to answer.