Summer Lecture Series Unites Israeli Ex-Pats in North America

Over the past couple of weeks, North American Chabad Centers catering to Hebrew speakers hosted a series of lectures timed to coincide with Gimmel Tammuz. This summer tour is part of an ongoing lecture series organized by Merkos 302’s Israeli Desk, designed to inform, educate, and inspire Israelis living in various parts of North America.

World-renowned lecturer Rabbi Shneur Ashkenazi and JEM historian Rabbi Zusha Wolf were invited to North America this year. They addressed thousands of Israeli expats in Chabad Houses across the USA and Canada. Locations visited include Lakewood and Tenafly, NJ; Toronto, Canada; Atlanta, GA; Boca Raton, FL; and Orange County in California.

The lecture tour was organized by Rabbi Shimon Binstock, director of the Chabad Israel Desk at Merkos 302, as part of an ongoing effort to make world-class orators from Israel available stateside.

Rabbi Zusha Wolf’s multimedia lecture, titled: Secrets of the Rebbe’s Leadership, was accompanied by a slideshow of memorable video clips featuring the Rebbe. Rabbi Wolf spoke of the Rebbe’s all-encompassing service to the Jewish people; his relatability to every Jew; his profound caring for each individual; his ability to reveal hidden strengths in every Jew; and his motivation for others to engage more deeply with the Torah and mitzvot. “Above all else,” emphasized Rabbi Wolf, “the Rebbe’s influence continuously gains momentum; his life and teachings carry on, inspiring generations.”

Rabbi Shneur Ashkenazi expounded to the hundreds of attendees on the Rebbe’s view on the power of each individual. “The Rebbe taught, advised, and lived that every one of us is tasked with—and empowered to—change the world!” he finished.

As the lectures led into hours-long farbrengens, attendees endeavored to absorb the utmost from the evenings. One participant shared with his local Shliach what moved him: “Thank you very much, Rabbi, for hosting the fascinating lecture on the Lubavitcher Rebbe. It was fascinating to hear and see the Rebbe’s significant contribution to strengthening the security of the land of Israel. It was the spiritual boost which he gave to Israel’s leaders and security personnel that gave them clarity in moving forward.”

The Israeli desk at Merkos 302 is a hub for shluchim servicing the Hebrew-speaking community across the globe. “The ever-expanding catalog of resources and support,” says Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Executive Director of Merkos 302, “is with the express aim of providing a welcoming, non-judgemental space where every individual can find their place and feel at home.”