A Lesson from the Rebbe: Moti Eden’s Yechidus Experience

Longtime Israeli journalist Moti Eden passed away today, the 17th of Tammuz. Throughout his career, he had the privilege of meeting the Rebbe on several occasions, sometimes standing in the “dollars line” with his trusty tape recorder, ready to inquire about the Rebbe’s opinion on the state of affairs in the Holy Land.

Among his encounters with the Rebbe, one particular meeting stands out. In 1980, Moti had the opportunity to experience yechidus—a private audience with the Rebbe. Notably, the encounter took place on the eve of the 17th of Tammuz, the very day Moti passed away forty-three years later. He recorded the entire twenty-minute audience on his handheld tape recorder.

Years later, during an interview with JEM’s My Encounter with the Rebbe oral history project, Moti recounted the profound experience and shared details of his conversation with the Rebbe, which included an unexpected textbook lesson in journalism, and how to satisfy his radio listeners’ needs.

During the audience, the Rebbe encouraged Moti to utilize his position as a radio host to disseminate relevant Torah teachings. As an example, the Rebbe referenced that week’s — and today’s — Torah portion of Pinchas. Moti expressed his concern, explaining that radio listeners expected to hear news (חדשות) from him, not Torah lessons. The Rebbe explained to Motti that Torah declares itself to be “new” (חדשים) and fresh each day. The Rebbe suggested that Moti could truthfully announce that he would share news, and then proceed to deliver a Torah message — adding that given Motti’s background as a news professional, he would undoubtedly find a way to connect the Torah message he was sharing to current events.

Click here for full audio of the Yechidus on Ashreinu.app.

Watch below: An excerpt of Moti Eden’s interview, featuring audio snippets from the Yechidus.