Bochur In The Mesivta of Coral Springs Makes A Siyum on Lekkutei Sichos
On Sunday, Chof Beis Sivan, a grand siyum and celebration took place in Mesivta of Coral Springs, Florida, in honor of the completion of the the entire Likkutei Sichos by HaBochur Avremel Weingarten, an elter bochur in the yeshivah who completed the project over a seven and a half year period.
The Siyum also noted six other bochurim of the Yeshiva; Mendel Eizicovics, Mendel Amitai, Dovid Wolfson, Mordechai Katz, Levi Ciment, and Menachem Scheinberger, who that have begun learning Likkutei Sichos and have already completed the first three volumes this year.
The attendees at the Siyum heard words of wisdom and inspiration in connection to learning the Rebbe’s Torah in general and particularly Likkutei Sichos which the Rebbe spent so much time and effort to publish for his chassidim. Some of the Bochurim took the opportunity to take on Hachlatos to start or continue to enhance their study of the Likkutei Sichos.
Speakers at the event included Rabbi Yosef Eizicovics, the Menhael of Yeshivah, Rabbi Janowski, the Rosh Yeshivah, Rabbi Aryeh Schechter, the Mashpia of Yeshivah, and Rabbi Yisroel Weingarten, the Shliach to Flint, MI.
A chosid
BH!! this is what we should be doing… not trying to be like the litvish R’L
Ad by that you mean that we should be learning nigleh permeated with Chassidus and with an awareness of the Nosein Hatorah. Right? Because surely you’re not saying, r”l, that we shouldn’t be learning Gemara on a daily basis.
The key words is “not trying to be like the litvish”. Yes, we SHOULD do it, but not because we want to be like them, but because our Rabbeiim told us repeatedly to learn daily gemorah (among other shiyurim that every chosid must do).
Well, there you go, then. Then assume that those who are learning Gemara daily are doing so for that reason. Dan lekaf zechus applies to your fellow chassidim too, you know.