Religious Affairs Minister Meets Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky

The Minister of Religious Affairs Rabbi Michael Malchieli had the opportunity to pay a visit to Lubavitch World Headquarters during his visit to United States this week.

His first stop was in the Rebbe’s room, where the Minister and his associates prayed for a few minutes. This was followed by a lengthy meeting with Rabbi Chaim Yehuda Krinsky, the Rebbe’s secretary and chairman of Chabad’s central institutions. Rabbi Krinsky shared stories from his early years in the Rebbe’s presence as a young man coming from Boston, and about his visit to Eretz Yisrael as the Rebbe’s shliach in the aftermath of the terrorist attack on Beit Sefer L’Melachah in Kfar Chabad.

The meeting was also attended by Kehos director Rabbi Yosef Boruch Friedman, Lahak director Rabbi Chaim Shaul Brook, and Queens Shluchim to the Bukharian community Rabbis Zalman Zvulonov and Levi Yitzchak Wolowik who accompanied the minister throughout his visit. Also in attendance were Mr. Yehudah Cohen, director of the Chief Rabbinate’s office, and Rabbi Eliezer Simcha Weiss, a member of the Chief Rabbinate’s council.

The entourage continued for a tour throughout 770—in the small zal, the WLCC broadcast room, and the downstairs shul—accompanied by Rabbi Mendel Eizenbach of the “770 Chabad House” which is under the directorship of Rabbi Chaim Boruch Halberstam. Afterwards, they visited the Rebbe’s library, where they were welcomed by chief librarian Rabbi Berel Levin, who told them about the history of the library and the treasures it contains. Later in the afternoon, the visitors had the opportunity to visit the Rebbe’s home as well, where they davened Minchah.

Another special visitor last week was the Minister of Interior and Minister of Health Rabbi Moshe Arbel, who visited the United States along with high ranking officials from the health department.

Over seventy (!) leading Jewish doctors from across New York’s medical industry gathered for an in depth discussion about contemporary medical issues and the provision of advanced medical services alongside medical ethics and the halachic and ethical considerations in all areas of patient care.

The minister and the attendees both noted the Rebbe’s foresight in envisioning hospitals not as “Batei Cholim,” homes for the sick, but rather, “Batei Refuah,” homes of healing, in his determination that physical health and mental health be seen as one unit, and finally, in the Rebbe’s insistence regarding the importance of consulting a doctor who is a good friend.

A remarkable address was delivered by a member of the Minister’s entourage, Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Dudo Dagan, the head of the Government Medical Division in the Ministry of Health and former Chief Medical Officer of the IDF.

Afterwards, the Minister and his entourage continued to the Bukharian Jewish Community Center, where they participated in the central farbrengen marking Gimmel Tammuz, and were enraptured by the engaging address of Rabbi Aharon Raskin, director of Chabad in Brooklyn Heights.

The head table of the farbrengen was graced by the Shluchim to the Bukharian community of Queens, Rabbis Shmuel KoganAsher Veknin, and Meir Shoshan, along with Ohr Avner of Israel Director Rabbi Yehuda Blau, and Bukharian Chief Rabbi Baruch Babayov.

Following the remarkable farbrengen, the Minister headed for the Rebbe’s Ohel, accompanied by Shluchim Rabbis Wolowik and Zvulonov, and Mr. Gavriel Sofiev, the son-in-law of philanthropist Mr. Lev Leviev. The minister asked to participate in another farbrengen before entering the Ohel, and this request was fulfilled by joining the nearby farbrengen with Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar, who was farbrenging with the young bochurim of Moscow’s Tomchei Temimim.