The Tracks Planned at 8th Kinus Mechanchos Chabad

The 8th Annual Kinus Mechanchos Chabad, organized by Menachem Education Foundation (MEF), will gather over 500 Chabad Mechanchos in Stamford, Connecticut for two days of professional development workshops, networking and inspiration on August 7-8, 2023.

The upcoming Kinus Mechanchos Chabad is specially curated to answer the Chinuch questions on the minds of today’s educators: how can I give excitement for Torah and Yiddishkeit to my students? How do I engage them in learning when I’m competing with technology? How do I meet their social and emotional needs? What do I do in the case of a mental health crisis c”v,  and how can I prevent bullying in my classroom? 

Each track of the Kinus Mechanchos, geared for educators of different grade levels and roles, including Early Childhood, School Leadership and General Studies, will answer these pressing questions, and provide Mechanchos with the tools to meet the many needs of students today. 

All participants can attend workshops with Dr. Rona Novick on Building Connection, Dr. Carly Namdar on Building Resilience in Students, and Dr. Shani Verschleiser of Magenu on Child Abuse Prevention. Rus Devorah Wallen, LCSW will give a session on teacher mental health, and Rabbi Baruch Hertz, Rav in Residence, will lead a “Chinuch Q&A.” Mrs. Kesem Mia Hetsrony of Cheder Chabad of Philadelphia will lead a panel of powerful Chinuch perspectives, and Mrs. Rivka Fishman will lead a panel on connecting students to Tefilla. Inspiring and uplifting farbrengens, as well as practical and collaborative networking, will round out the program. 

To view the full list of topics and presenters, visit 

The Early Childhood Track will address the healthy and solid foundation that early childhood educators can provide for their young students, by making the time spent in the classroom effective and meaningful. Presenters include Shaina Baumgarten, Teacher at Silverstein Hebrew Academy in Great Neck, NY, on setting up a successful early childhood classroom, Nechama Dahan, M.Ed, on tapping into the powerful potential of playtime, and Tova Goldberg, MS, OTR/L, Occupational Therapist, on meeting students’ sensory needs.

Featured presenters for the Elementary school track includes Mushkie Lipsker, M. Ed, of the popular “Evergrowing Educator” platform, on the secrets to student engagement, and Rabbi Zelly Silber, M.S.Ed. on how to confidently assume the role of guide and leader in the classroom. Liba Rimler, fourth grade Teacher at Cheder Chabad of Monsey, NY, will present on building a connection to help students thrive. 

Highlights for the high school teachers include a special panel discussion in collaboration with entitled “She’asani Kirtzono: Understanding the Healthy Development and Expression of Our Student’s Identity,”  with Mrs. Sara Morosow, Rabbi Baruch Hertz and Mrs. Dena Gorkin. They will also hear from Chaya Bracha Rubin, teacher of Creative Parsha at Maimonides Hebrew Day School on “Connecting Through Creativity,” and enjoy a panel led by Rivka Gittel Resin on tried and true strategies to engage high school students in classroom learning, among other timely and relevant sessions.

The Kinus Mechanchos also honors the important Shlichus of general studies teachers as powerful and Chassidishe role models in the lives of their students. A specialized general studies track will include a session on teaching math by Chanie Hurwitz, M.Ed, and an informative session on the “Seven Elements of Writing,” to be led by Esther Kesselman, B. Ed, NPHQ. Shaindy Schapiro, Curriculum Director at Gan Academy in Brooklyn, NY, will also inform attendees about the right questions to ask when building a general studies curriculum. 

This year’s expanded leadership track will feature Rabbi Mendy Greenbaum, Head of School at Cheder Menachem and Bais Chaya Mushka in Los Angeles, CA, on leveraging school leadership, and Dr. Rona Novick, on meeting the social-emotional needs of students and building a connected school community. 

“Thank you for your hard work and dedication to make this Kinus Mechanchos happen,” shared Rochel Leah Engel, Teacher at Jewish Online School. “I look forward to it the whole year and the inspiration and empowerment has stayed with me today. In our last stretch of teaching this year, I still read my notes!” 

The Kinus Mechanchos will also allow Mechanchos to rejuvenate before the upcoming school year, with upgraded, luxurious accommodations at the Hilton Stamford Hotel and Executive Meeting Center, gourmet catering by Turk Catering, and multiple spa amenities.  The 8th Annual Gala Chinuch Banquet, produced by Dovid Weinbaum, celebrates Mechanchos for their vital role in shaping the lives of so many children. 

The Menachem Education Foundation would like to thank Alyson Feldman of FFH Events for coordinating the Kinus Mechanchos Chabad, and Mushky Lipsker, M.S. Ed, of the Evergrowing Educator platform, for arranging many of the speakers and workshops for the Kinus Mechanchos program.

To find out more about the 8th Annual Kinus Mechanchos and register, visit