Achdus in Chabad – All North American Mesivtos Unite in Learning Initiative

In a unique demonstration of achdus, Chabad Yeshivos worldwide participated in an unprecedented Moshiach-focused learning initiative, culminating in a grand competition. Over 1,600 talmidim from 36 yeshivas gathered to show their mastery of complex inyonim spanning Gemara, Midrash, Chassidus, and the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s teachings.

Marking the conclusion of Gimmel Tammuz, the ‘Oholei Torah’ hall in Crown Heights hosted a celebratory seudah and the competition finals. Representatives from yeshivas worldwide demonstrated their profound understanding of the material, tackling challenging sheilos posed by Rabbonim and Mashpi’im.

Prominent Rabbonim including Harav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, Rabbi Yossi Jacobson, Rabbi Gershon Avtzon, and others made presentations. Rabbi Aron Ginsburg emphasized the centrality of Moshiach in our lives.

The event peaked with Chaim Yisroel Sharf winning the contest, and receiving a Ksav Yad from the Rebbe. Sholom Brashevitzky and Chezky Paltiel followed in second and third places, earning a Rebbe dollar and a Rebbe stamp, respectively.

The evening ended in a joyous celebration, praying that the next Chidon will be in Yerushalayim, with Moshiach leading us.