Moshiach Contest Winners Announced at Gimmel Tammuz Kids Farbrengen; Watch the Replay
At the Live Gimmel Tammuz Hakhel Farbregen, from Tut Altz Kids at Merkos 302, kids explored what Hiskashrus to the Rebbe means today, the Geulah Message, and how to be ‘The Real Me.’
The Farbrengen, led by Rabbi Mendel Lerman, included exciting games, bringing to life the event’s theme, Torah Pesukim led by kids from around the world, unique Arts & Craft and more. Artist Yitzchok Moully shared the reaction of Mitzvos through art and singer Chony Zucker, led the children in singing beautiful Niggunim. The children thoroughly enjoyed and walked away inspired. Click here to download and print the Arts and Crafts created at the event.
The event’s climax came with the announcement of the International Moshiach Contest Winners, with 3 Judges choosing the top projects.
The Runners-up are Miryam Tevel, 3rd Grade, from Crown Heights, who created a project on the Alef in Goleh,
Devorah Leah Vigler, 3rd Grade, from Flatbush, NY, who created a project on Mitzvah-Moshiach atmosphere.
Kayla Chayempour, 4th Grade, from Great Neck, NY, who created a project on the Nashim Tzidkonios,
Chanale Tevel, 5th Grade from Crown Heights, who created a book on placing the Alef in Goleh and Rochel Mandel, 7th Grade, from Crown Heights, who created a project on The Hidden Sparks.
The Top Winners are: In third place, Malkie and Chana Heidingsfeld from Manchester, UK who created a project Geulah and Tzemach Welcome Moshiach. In second place, Chana Greenfeld, Rochel Malamud, Ruthie Margolis and Hadasa Kirsch, from 5th Grade Bnos Menachem, Crown Heights who created a Tut Altz Song. In first place, Simcha Moshe Dorn, 7th Grade, from Lauderhill, Florida who created a project about being Mekushar and uplifted from Golus.
Well done to the 5th Grade of Bnos Menachem from Morah Avtzon’s class for winning the school’s raffle. They had 100% class participation in this contest and a fantastic experience watching the Mikdash VR, exploring the Beis Hamikdash and getting a deeper understanding and yearning for the third Beis Hamikdash.
“We are so proud of all the kids that participated in this contest. Each created beautiful projects with creativity and originality!” says Rochel Baila Wolffe, school coordinator of Tut Altz Kids. “The kids took the information from Live With The Geulah Now and formulated it in various ways, showing how they have internalized the ideas of living Geulah today.”
“We are so happy to have included the Moshiach Contest in our school. The fact that the kids were spending their time creating Moshiach content, and not all the kids are Shomer Shabbos, was so beautiful to see. It is a program that is so needed,” shares Mrs. Tuvel, Judaic Studies Principal at Magen Israel Elementary School.
All projects can be viewed on the contest website TutAltz.com/contest.
“A project like this gives us much hope and Nachas,” says Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Executive Director of Merkos 302. “When we see how the children aren’t just learning and absorbing but creating projects of their own and teaching the Rebbe’s words.”
Missed the event? Watch the full Farbrengen here, in time for Gimmel Tammuz: TutAltz.com/kidsevents
The central theme of this event drew inspiration from the Maamor Veateh Tetzaveh. The Moshiach Office has developed an engaging kids’ curriculum based on the Maamor, called Our Moshe and Me, and encourages all summer camps and programs to incorporate this curriculum into their summer learning.
For more information, please visit TutAltz.com/veatahtetzaveh.