1,400 Boys Are Preparing For Gimmel Tammuz, The Vaad Talmidei Hatemimim Are There There To Help

In just one week, we will be marking Gimmel Tamuz, 29 years. This is a time when every Chossid looks to strengthen his Hiskashrus to the Rebbe. But, some find this more difficult than others.

A Bochur growing up today, unfortunately did not have the Zchus of being with the Rebbe before Gimmel Tamuz. Yet, BH, the Bochurim are looking – striving to connect. It is hard, but they yearn for this connection.

And, YOU can help them.

When you give to the Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim, you give thousands of Bochurim year round these priceless opportunities of Hiskashrus.  And today, if you give $360 to the Vaad – you will be supporting them in their Hachana to Gimmel Tammuz – including:

  • 1400 boys joined the incredible Mivtza Hanachos
  • Shabbos Hachana this week in Kfar Chabad, for 2500 Bochurim
  • Mivtzoei Limud in Yeshivos around the globe
  • 300 Places to stay for the Bochurim coming in
  • And much, much, more.

The Vaad’s budget for Gimmel Tamuz is approximately $200,000. Please consider a gift of $360 for these Bochurim.

If you can do more, it is needed and will go a long way whether $540, $1000, or $3600. If you can only do less, rest assured that whatever you give, you have made a difference to thousands of Bochurim.


Thank you very much for your care and concern!


The Hanachos Mivtza is a project done in partnership with JEM  – Thank you to Keren Meromim & Keren Ohr Chana for their ongoing support of the Vaad Hatmimim

B’brocha that we spend this Shabbos B’or pnei Melech Chaim, B’vias Moshiach Tzidkenu.

Tzvi Altein
Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim