Everything Wedding, Every Checklist You Will Need From The L’Chaim To The Wedding

“Everything Wedding is a personal project which began as a handwritten list on the back of a scrap piece of paper that came along with my mother wherever we went throughout my engagement, stealthily growing as we were reminded of every last detail necessary for marrying off a new couple,” Chava Altein, the brainchild behind Everything Wedding said.

Chava got engaged during the summer, when it seemed the only people around Crown Heights were either other Kallahs like her or those with newborns. While she was blissfully following her mother around, trusting she had it all covered, her new group of friends shared how overwhelmed and stressed they were with the amount to do, how to get it all done, and the endless unhelpful advice delaying them at every turn. She concluded that if she can, why not give the calm, organized, getting-married-is-fun feelings she had to others.

Everything Wedding is a one-stop site for all L’Chaim and wedding resources: step-by-step checklists, vendors, Gemachs, important contacts, and more. Although primarily catering to Crown Heights-based Simchos, the lists are adaptable to L’Chaims and weddings made in any location.

“This project has expanded well beyond my imagination, thanks to the involvement and assistance of family and friends who contributed in any way they could,” Chava explained. “From creating the website and continuing to constantly update it with new information, to providing contacts to more vendors, or catching missing items from the lists.”

This has become a project created by the people for the people, quite literally. We encourage those who have more to contribute to contact us through our website.

Say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed at the thought of where to begin. No more stressing over how to find the contacts you need before bookings run out. Forget about worrying there will be something forgotten and the panic that comes with realizing that something is a little too late…

The agenda is quite simple. Get as many Kallahs, Chassanim and parents to experience the process of making their once-in-a-lifetime occasions with peace of mind and true inner joy.

Mazal Tov! You’re making a Simcha and it should be with Simcha. Visit Everything Wedding HERE.