Hadar Hatorah Celebrates 60 Years
Spanning sixty years, six decades, Hadar Hatorah has produced literally thousands of alumni who have established beautiful families all over the world and have been a huge source of nachas to the yeshiva. On Sunday night we honored six of those individuals who epitomize the values and the chinoch they received while at Hadar Hatorah, who have successful careers in shlichus and education and have continually maintained and cherished their connection to Hadar Hatorah.
Alumni Guests of Honor:
Representing the First decade: Rabbi Dr. Dovid Sholom Pape, longtime educator and editor of the Tzivos Hashem Magazine;
Second decade: Rabbi Yehuda Ferris, Shliach of Berkeley, California;
Third Decade: Professor Dovid Wohl, Chairman, Math Department, Lander College for Men;
Fourth Decade: Rabbi Yisrael Moshe Ort, Director of Chabad of Auraria Campus in Denver, Colorado;
Fifth Decade: Rabbi Matisyahu Devlin, teacher and Mashpia in Miami, FL;
Sixth decade: Rabbi Reuvein Mizrachi, teacher at Darchai Menachem in Crown Heights.
Video: 60 Years of Hadar Hatorah
Video: Full event stream:
Web page: https://hadarhatorah.com/?page_id=871