Reb Yoel’s Respect for Rabbi Marlow
In honor of the Yartzeit of Rabbi Marlow OBM, we present a short snipped courtesy of Rabbi Chaim Dalfin.
In 1996, there was a gathering in 770. Rabbi Marlow participated. Reb Yoel who wasn’t there heard about this. He found out that certain pamphlets were distributed that he felt we’re not in the spirit of Chabad because they’d turn away people from the Rebbe.
He alluded to this in his letter to Rabbi Marlow.
He signs the letter this way:
Your true friend (Although I don’t blackmail you, nevertheless, you are my good friend who I only want your best)
Yoel Kahan
chanifah is flattery not blackmail
Translation Correction
blackmail = מחניף ??
His friendship soured shortly after that letter.
in this context its more like being a lecker
so RYK telling his not a lecking him to gain his respect