Jewish Literary Project Includes Hachai Publishing Book In This Month’s Selection of Children’s Books


PJ Our Way, a literary project which provides Jewish children’s books free of charge, has included a Hachai Publishing book in this month’s selection.

“The Secret of Carlos Romanus”, written by Lubavitcher Esther Kosofsky, tells the story of Moshe Levi, a Jewish boy full of hope and excitement as he sets sail from Amsterdam on his very first business trip. His father is gone, and it’s up to him to support his mother and his two younger siblings. When Moshe unexpectedly finds himself in Spain, a country in which Jews must pretend to be like everyone else, the young boy must rely on his wits and his bravery.

While not a particularly religious organization, the PJ Library included Kosofsky’s book in this months selection for its PJ Our Way book options, which provides the books free of charge throughout the U.S. and Canada. Every month, kids can come to this site to choose the book they want to receive. Kids can also submit reviews and videos about the books.

At the time of the publication of this article, “The Secret of Carlos Romanus” had already received 93 reviews and was sporting a 4 1/2 star rating.

Hachai Publishing, based in Crown Heights, is a staple of young readers across the Orthodox Jewish world, with titles such as the iconic Yossi and Lebel series.

One Comment

  • Parent

    PJ is a dangerous institution that is just another haskalla or kefira movement. Some of their books that enter into homes are completely treif. This book might be kosher but it’s like the pig that has split hooves