Electrical Fire Torches and Destroys Chabad Mitzvah Tank in Crown Heights
by CrownHeights.info
Rabbi Yehuda Pevzner got the call around 2:20am Friday morning, his Mitzvah Tank was on fire.
“I got a call that the tank is on fire,” Rabbi Pevznertold CrownHeights.info. “I got there and was heartbroken to see that the all inside of the Mitzvah tank was burning.”
Video from a witness shows smoke and flames shooting from the side of the tank, presumably the site of the Mitzvah Tank’s electrical panel.
The firefighters arrived quickly, but between the fire and water used to douse the flames, the Mitzvah Tank was left destroyed.
“We are devastated to inform you that one of our Mitzvah Tanks was almost completely burnt down last night,” the Mitzvah Tank’s Organizers said. “If you were touched by the Mitzvah Tank in the past, please consider making a donation to help us cover the damages!”
The Mitzvah Tank destroyed had been targeted twice while in Manhattan with anti-Israel graffiti, making Jewish headlines at the time of the incidents.
For more information and to donate, please visit www.donorbox.org/devasting-fire

I saw them trying to doing repairs on the mitzvah tank a couple days ago all day, and now it’s suddenly burnt down.
And that night it was parked on a street with no cctv, when it’s usually on kingston.
How can an electrical fire in an rv be consider arson?