Merkos Shlichus Opening Summer 5783

Merkos has announced that Merkos Shlichus, the beloved initiative that sends Bochurim to connect with Jews in remote locations around the world, has just opened registration for Shluchim and Bochurim for Summer 5783 – 2023.

It all began as a small pilot test in the 1940s when a young bochur was sent from 770 on a mission to visit small Jewish communities in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware and share with them Merkos’s publications. The success of that trip led to a passionate call from the Frierdiker Rebbe for Yeshiva Bochurim to contribute part of their summer towards inspiring the communities worldwide. That small program has since morphed into a tremendous initiative with hundreds of Bochurim traveling to all corners of the globe, reaching thousands of Yidden.

The Rebbe’s personal involvement in Merkos Shlichus was unparalleled. Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, director of Merkos Shlichus since the early 5740s, shares that in the early years, the Rebbe would work with Rabbi Hodakov to plan each Merkos Shlichus itinerary one by one using a map and a list of Bochurim who had volunteered to go. The Rebbe knew which places would suffice with two Bochurim, and which needed three. He even knew the best way to travel from one place to another and how to coordinate the trip in the most efficient manner. The Rebbe would choose which Bochurim should go where and in the early 5710s, the Bochurim would go in for yechidus before embarking. Throughout all the years, the Rebbe would show tremendous interest and respond to the various Merkos Shlichus lists and reports that were submitted.

Throughout the summer, the Rebbe would often speak about Merkos Shlichus and its importance. For example 1954, the Rebbe emphasized that when a Yeshiva Bochur goes on Merkos Shlichus, he reaches levels beyond anything he could have attained while in yeshiva. “He can be in yeshiva, learning Torah and doing mitzvos, and involved in avodas hatefilla, yet never reach the same level as when he “valgert zich” wanders throughout a city on the Rebbe’s shlichus. The Bochur may not even realize what he has attained, but he has it on the deepest level of his Neshama.”

Today, the initiative continues with the same spirit and dedication as it did in its earliest years. The purpose of Merkos Shlichus remains to touch the Jews living in remote locations and to connect them with Shluchim and Yiddishkeit. 

The importance of reaching out to Jews in every corner of the world and connecting them with their heritage is only due to the Rebbe’s vision and concern for every Jew,” said Rabbi Kotlarsky, “Merkos Shlichus is the embodiment of that vision, and it is the greatest Zechus for anyone who gets to participate in this holy work.” 

Registration for Summer 2023 Merkos Shlichus is now open, visit to apply.