Lag Baomer in Almaty at the Tziyun of Reb Levi Yitzchok z”l, Honoring The Rashbi

Tuesday, the 18th of Iyar 5783 in Almaty, Kazakhstan was greeted with beautiful weather welcoming each guest. One by one, more and more Jews arrived and gathered in the courtyard of the Chabad House, men, women and children. A real Hakhel gathering.

The procession left the Beis Chabad accompanied by music and posters presenting different Mitzvos. The paraders headed towards the holy Tziyun of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s father.

The children of the SmartJ afterschool program proudly lead the parade followed by the crowd reciting the twelve psukim and singing songs, making a big Kiddush Hashem in the city streets.

When they arrived at the ohel, the Chief Rabbi of Kazakhstan, Rabbi Yeshaya Cohen, recited chapters of Tehilim aloud and a general prayer asking for a blessing for the Jews of the Kazakhstan community amongst Am Yisroel, should merit a personal and general redemption. Everyone took the opportunity to pray and recite Tehilim and then returned to a festive evening in the Chabad house courtyard.

The event opened with lighting the bonfire in honor of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. The children were then called up to the stage to say the twelve psukim.

An elderly Jew, beloved to the community, who previously served in the Red Army, arrived dressed in the symbolic uniform adorned with medals in honor of the ninth of May, the day of the USSR victory over the Nazis in World War II. He stood on the stage and excitedly said: Sitting at this event is our real victory! I bless each of you to merit to see your grandchildren and great-grandchildren celebrating Jewish holidays like this!

The participants enjoyed a lavish barbecue, a game of archery and inflatables for children. The event concluded with raffling prizes to the participants.

The community was very thankful to the organizers for the wonderful holiday celebration.