Chabad of Port Washington Encourages Mitzvos In Honor of Jewish Boy Killed By Drunk Driver
by CrownHeights.info
Ethan Falkowitz OBM, a student at Roslyn Middle School, was running high after he and his friends won a Tennis match. As he and his friends were driven off to celebrate, a drunk driver going the wrong way created a tragedy, killing Falkowitz and his friend Drew Hassenbein.
“We are all heartbroken by the tragic loss of these special boys,” Chabad of Port Washington wrote in a Facebook post. “To add light in the face of darkness and pain, we will be at the corner of Campus Drive and Port Boulevard at 3pm together with some teen volunteers…a chance to do a mitzvah in the merit of their souls and to bring comfort to their families.”
The tragedy took place last week with Ethan’s funeral taking place Friday. With family all around, the community members promised to de good deeds in his memory.
“We came here together to gather, to pledge and promise that we’re not gonna let this go to waste, these beautiful boys. We’re not gonna let this be for nothing and we’re gonna add and increase in positive actions, and acts of goodness and kindness,” Rabbi Yaakov Wilansky told CBS News.
The good deeds began immediately as the Jewish community gathered at Chabad to put on Tefillin and do a Mitzvah.
“I was moved to tears watching our youth hungry to do a good deed in honor of their friends who tragically passed,” Sara Paltiel wrote on social media. “We connected to Drew and Ethan with our good deeds and feelings of love. Coins were given out to give to charity, candles and challah were given to bring light and warmth into homes, tefillin were wrapped – many for their first time and candies were shared. It felt like a big communal hug.”