Tanya Printed For the First Time In Iraq and Kuwait
by CrownHeights.info
The countries of Iraq and Kuwait are hardly open minded to anything Jewish or written in Hebrew letters, but that did not deter two Lubavitch friends who successfully printed multiple Tanyas in both the City of Baghdad and Kuwait City.
Yanky Rubin and Mendy Lieberman braved the travel to the Muslim countries fully aware of the challenges they presented, but regardless, they intended to complete their mission and print Tanyas in both countries.
Having carefully planned out their route, they executed their mission last week, printing first in Baghdad before traveling to Kuwait and smuggling both sets of printed Tanyas back home to the United States.
“In Baghdad we didn’t have any plans of where we were going to print at all,” Rubin told CrownHeights.info. “מן השמים and the Rebbe.”
Despite the present day realities, the areas of Iraq and Kuwait are deeply rooted in Jewish history and home to our rich heritage. The geographical areas of these two countries were once the land of Bavel and home to the story of Yona and the area of Ninvei.