BDE: Rabbi Eliyahu Tenenbaum, 76, OBM
by CrownHeights.info
With great sadness we report the passing of Rabbi Eliyahu Tenenbaum OBM, a Crown Heights resident and long time teacher at Oholei Torah. He passed away Motzei Shabbos, the 16th of Iyar, 5783.
He was 76 years old.
Rabbi Tenenbaum was a devoted and long-time Maggid shiur in the Oholei Torah Mesifta.
He is survived by his wife Mrs. Chaya Sarah Tenenebam and their children; Rabbi Levi Tenenbaum (Melbourne, Australia), Rabbi Shlomie Tenenbaum (Crown Heights), Seema Tenenbaum (Crown Heights), Mrs. Rochel Leah Banon (Crown Heights), and Rabbi Dovid Tenenbaum (S. Monica, CA).
The Levaya will take place Sunday, passing by 770 at approximately 12:00pm followed by the Oholei Torah Yeshiva at 417 Troy Avenue at approximately 12:10pm. Then on to the Montefiore Cemetery.
Shiva will be held at the Tenenbaum Residence at 689 Montgomery Street.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes