A Brand-New Song Released by Benny Friedman in Honor of the 42nd Siyum HaRambam
The Rambam was the only one to codify the entire Torah all in a simple enough way for anyone on any level of learning to open and master.
The Rebbe established a system of Rambam study with the unique possibility of uniting the entire Jewish people through the entirety of Torah. When we all study the whole Torah, we can tangibly express the sacred and awesome unity and oneness of our people.
I urge you all to jump into this amazing experience of gaining familiarity with the true breadth of the entire Torah. There’s tracks for all ages and stages: https://www.chabad.org/generic_cdo/ai…https://www.chabad.org/library/articl…
Composed to the final Halacha in Rambam’s Mishnah Torah: ובאותו הזמן לא יהיה שם לא רעב ולא מלחמה. ולא קנאה ותחרות ולא יהיה עסק כל העולם אלא לדעת את ה’ בלבד (משנה תורה להרמב״ם, מלכים ומלחמות – פרק יב, ה)
And in that era, there will be neither famine or war, envy or competition And the occupation of the entire world will be solely to know G-d.
Produced and arranged by Doni Gross
Composed by Yochanan Gordon
Performed by Benny Friedman
Video created by Flash of Design
Special thanks to:
Levi Kotlarsky
Mendel Slonim
Library of Agudas Chasidei Chabad
Videos of the Rebbe courtesy of Jewish Educational Media (JEM)
Benny PR: I & Me Media