Moshiach Chidon Launches in 34 Lubavitch Mesivtas
Starting today, Bochurim from Yeshivos across the world are uniting together to learn about Moshiach, in compliance with the Rebbe’s directive of the quickest and most direct way to bring the Geulah!
The Bochurim will be tested on the material in 3 sections, culminating with a grand Chidon Gameshow where finalists from each Yeshiva will compete on stage!
Additionally, There will be raffles on sets of seforim between all the participants after each test, along with an automatic prize for every Bochur who excels and successfully completes the final!
Furthermore, any Yeshiva with at least 50% of its Bochurim participating, will enter a raffle for an exclusive item from the Rebbe. The prize will be raffled off solely among the Bochurim of that particular participating Yeshiva.
As we anxiously await the arrival of Moshiach, the Moshiach Chidon serves as a remarkable opportunity for Bochurim to enhance their comprehension of Moshiach and Geula.
May this initiative of uniting together bring about the Hisgalus of Moshiach, with the Bochurim – ‘Der Rebbe’s Kinder’ on the front lines!
A big Thank You to the Shluchim and Hanhala in all the Yeshivos for arranging their yeshiva’s participation, motivating, assisting, and guiding their bochurim with learning and knowing these crucial topics!
Participating Yeshivos include:
YTTL Antwerp
Yeshivas Lubavitch Argentina
Lubavitch Mesivta of Scottsdale Arizona
Mesivta Lubavitch Baltimore
Yeshivas Lubavitch Brazil
Yeshiva Ketana Brunoy
Chovevei Torah
Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati
Mesivta Suffield Connecticut
Mesivta of Coral Springs
Darchei Menachem
Hamesivta Ocean Parkway
Mesivta D’Kingston
Lubavitch Yeshiva Ketanah London
Yeshivas Ohr Elchonon Chabad Los Angeles
Oholei Yosef Yitzchok Manchester
Mechina Levi Yitzchok Melbourne
Mesivta of Melbourne
Klurman Mesivta Miami
Mesivta Lubavitch of Monsey
Ateres Menachem Montreal
Kerem Menachem Montreal
Or Menachem Napierville
New Haven Mesivta
Oholei Torah Mesivta
Lubavitch Yeshiva Paris
Achei Temimim Pittsburgh
Chayoli Beis Dovid Poconos
Mayan Torah Pomona
Yeshiva Beis Sholom Postville
Yesihvas Tomchei Temimim Queens
Yeshivas Lubavitch Toronto
Ohr Tmimim Toronto
Mesivta Menachem Westchester