BDE: Holocaust Survivor and Chabad Chosid Ephraim Mol, 85, OBM
With great sadness we report the passing of Ephraim Mol OBM, a survivor of the Holocaust and a Chabad Chosid who was scheduled to say “Kol Malei Rachamim” on Holocaust remembrance at Yad Vashem. He passed away suddenly just hours before the event.
He was 85 years old.
Ephraim Mol was born on March 9th, 1938, in Uccle, a suburb of Brussels, Belgium. In September 1942, Ephraim’s parents attempted to escape Nazi-occupied Belgium via Besançon, France. They planned to reach Switzerland in other to receive asylum, but were arrested en-route by the German Gestapo.
Ephraim and his parents were separated – Ephraim was sent to a monastery at Besançon, where he was looked to, along with other Jewish children, by nuns; whereas his parents were taken to the Drancy transit camp and from there deported to Auschwitz.
Ephraim was later adopted by the Weil couple, French Jews. As deportations of Jews in Paris intensified in 1942, Lucie Cartier hid the adoptive family in her house, and located a hiding place for Ephraim in an apartment in the suburbs of Paris, where she tended to him until liberation in the summer of 1944.
After liberation, Ephraim completed his studies and enlisted to the French standing army, taking part in the Algerian War. Following his discharge, he immigrated to Israel, settling in the Sde Eliyahu kibbutz, and became a Chabad Chasid.
He is survived by his wife Rachel and their children; Mrs. Bella Lifshitz, Basya Mol, R’ Yoel Mol, and Mrs. Avigail Gur.
The Levaya will take place today in Eretz Yisroel.
Shiva to take place in Eretz Yisroel.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
I think he was in the Yom Kipor war and they asked the Rabbi if they have to shave like requested by their superiors , dont remember everything however i went to yeshiva with his son Yoel שיחי