ENDED: Historic Tut Altz Mega Farbrengen Event
The Moshiach Office’s Mega-Unity Farbrengen Event is now LIVE! Join thousands of Chasidim in this momentous event here on CrownHeights.info.
This historic event promises to be an evening of inspiration and lasting effect!
Highlights include:
- A special Unity Farbrengen with Rabbi Moshe Weinberger, Rav of Kehilas Aish Kodesh in the Five Towns, Rabbi Shais Taub, Renowned Lecturer and Mentor, Director of online Torah Site SoulWords, and Rabbi Yussie Zakutinsky, Rav; K’hal Mevakshei Hashem in the Five Towns as well;
- A documentary by Rabbi Simon Jacobson, prominent lecturer and mentor, Founder and Director of the Meaningful Life Center, entitled “Kibbutz Goliyus in Our Hands,” which explores the spiritual significance of the summer of 1967.
- Mr. Charlie Harary, a renowned motivational speaker, will speak on the topic of “Moshiach In Sight”, highlighting the relevance Moshiach’s imminent coming can have on daily life.
- Feature Film: “Just One Shabbos,” the story of Sam and the one Shabbos that changed his life; a testament to the power of one mitzvah to effectuate kibbutz goliyus – one mitzvah at a time, one person at a time – to build a “Moshiach world”.
- Feature Film: “Just One Flame”, dedicated to the everlasting legacy of Shlucha Mrs. Henya Federman OBM, featuring Rabbi Asher Federman and the story of his inadvertent impact of the life and journey of Mr. Berel Solomon.
- Inspiration, niggunim and much more