Putin Sends Pesach Greetings To Russian Jewry

As has become an annual practice leading up to the holiday of Pesach, Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a letter of congratulations directed to the Jews of Russia to Chief Rabbi of Russia, Rabbi Berel Lazar.

In the letter President Putin writes: “Russian Jews, I congratulate you on Passover.
This holiday reminds us of events from ancient times – the liberation of the Jewish people from slavery. It symbolizes the victory of the ideals of freedom, justice and good deeds. The ancient tradition of the holiday is passed down from generation to generation and is preserved every shift. It is gratifying that the Jewish community in our country lives a full and diverse life: it founds religious, educational and cultural institutions, opens museums and exhibitions. The Jewish communities pay a lot of attention to charity and education projects, they make a respectable contribution to strengthening peaceful relations between members of different nations and religions, and participate in the education of the younger generation in the spirit of loyalty to the glorious, spiritual and historical tradition of the previous generations. I wish the Jews of Russia success and all the best.”

Vladimir Putin

Photo: Mevasser Tov Moscow