An Uplifting and Inspirational Journey of How 18,000 Boxes of Shmura Matza Were Distributed

The Ambassador of Freedom program has truly made waves this Passover, thanks to a fantastic partnership between The Hercenberg Mitzvah Mission and Chabad of Parkland which serves as the Headquarters for Chabad of North Broward & South Palm Beach. Spearheaded by Yudi Hercenberg of The Hercenberg Mitzvah Mission, and with the enthusiastic collaboration of Rabbi Shuey Biston and Rabbi Mendy Freund from Chabad of Parkland, the initiative brought together 38 Chabad houses and communities to create unique and targeted launch parties for the ambassadors. This exciting collaboration allowed laymen to actively participate in reaching out to their friends and acquaintances, resulting in a record-breaking distribution of 18,000 shmurah matzahs.

With the call to action “Be a Jewish leader, be an Ambassador of Freedom,” the initiative empowered individuals to distribute matzah to every Jew in their sphere of influence. The matzahs are gifted to ambassadors by The Hercenberg Mitzvah Mission, who then gift them to friends, neighbors, colleagues, or relatives who may otherwise not use handmade shmurah matzah.

By involving many Chabad houses and communities in the program, the Ambassador of Freedom initiative was able to extend its reach far beyond what individual shluchim could achieve alone. The partnership empowered community members of all ages to actively engage in spreading the joy of Passover to those around them. Volunteers from all walks of life stepped up to distribute matzahs, with some individuals personally handing out hundreds of these special handmade shmurah matzahs.
The Ambassador of Freedom program is part of a broader collaboration that also includes the Ambassadors of Light menorah initiative and the newly launched Ambassadors of Protection mezuzah campaign. These programs aim to empower and inspire Jews of all ages to touch as many Jews as possible within their sphere of influence, and inspire them to fulfill these mitzvot.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s passion for ensuring every Jew received hand-baked shmurah matzah to eat at the seder is at the heart of the Ambassador of Freedom program. The spiritual power imbued through this act serves as an inspiration for participants, motivating them to share this vital practice with others.
The Ambassador of Freedom program has touched the lives of countless individuals through the simple act of sharing matzah. One heartwarming story involves a 98-year-old Holocaust survivor who had not tasted shmurah matzah since her pre-war days in Amsterdam. Ambassador Debbie Gober, former Chair of the Jewish Federation of Broward County personally delivered matzah to the woman, creating a moving connection between generations. “I’ve always believed that an act of kindness, no matter how small, is never wasted. In fact, you never know the impact of that act, a smile, or even a kind word. This matzah mission gave me the opportunity to touch the hearts of so many, brighten their day, make them smile, and in a few cases, took them down memory lane when they celebrated Pesach as kids! Sometimes it takes only one act of kindness to change a person’s life.” Debbie explained about her experience as an ambassador of freedom.

Another inspiring example comes from 11-year-old Aryeh Rosenberger, a young ambassador who distributed dozens of matzahs by himself. The program’s success in engaging participants of all ages highlights the importance of fostering a sense of responsibility and connection within the Jewish community.

The Ambassador of Freedom program showcases the incredible impact of collaboration and community involvement in sharing the spirit of Passover. The initiative’s achievements in distributing an unprecedented 18,000 shmurah matzahs and engaging ambassadors of all ages are a testament to the strength, unity, and vibrancy of the Jewish community.

It is our hope that through the fulfillment of this special mitzvah, and through the efforts of all our ambassadors to facilitate and bring awareness of this mitzvah, we should experience the true spiritual freedom of the Pesach holiday. May our collective efforts lead us to experience the ultimate redemption with Moshiach Now.