Tomchei Tmimim Ocean Parkway Creates an Everlasting Gift to the Rebbe
As Yud Alef Nissan approaches, more than 96% of Tomchei Tmimim’s students are already onboard with the school-wide mivtza that makes Mishnayos and Tanya Baal Peh something everyone can do — and something everyone wants to do.
We are on a mission to create a culture of learning baal peh — one that will stay with the students for their entire lives.
As students walk into Yeshiva each morning, they cannot help but notice the giant digital display that provides up-to-the-minute updates on how many lines of baal peh the school has already completed.
Starting in Pre-1A, the culture of learning baal peh is already ingrained into the talmidim, as they learn the entire first perek of Tanya baal peh and experience a great sense of accomplishment. Older students help promote the culture of baal peh, serving as testers and coaches, actively helping the younger students grow in their baal peh accomplishments in addition to their own baal peh study.
The enormous involvement of students in this mivtza underscores that at Tomchei Tmimim OP, learning baal peh isn’t just a once-in-a-while thing to do — it’s a way of life for the talmidim.
We owe it to our talmidim to ensure they have the tools to enhance their hiskashrus in this way. It’s made all the more meaningful when it comes in the form of a birthday gift from all of us to the Rebbe in honor of Yud Alef Nissan.