CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Hundreds of Bochurim and Anash attended the 25th annual Siyum HoRambam HaOlami in the Oholei Torah Ballroom in Crown Heights last night.

More pictures in the Extended Article. (Photos by: Eli Kahan)

Hundreds Attend the Annual Siyum HoRambam HaOlami

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Hundreds of Bochurim and Anash attended the 25th annual Siyum HoRambam HaOlami in the Oholei Torah Ballroom in Crown Heights last night.

More pictures in the Extended Article. (Photos by: Eli Kahan)

At the event many Rabonim from around the world and represent many different Chassidusim attended and spoke before the crowd, strengthening the Rebbes Horaah to learn Rambam.

A choir led by R. Eli Lipsker entertained the attendees in between speakers. The event was organized by R. Shmuel Menachem Mendel Butman, who arranges the event each year.


  • Berl

    Your site is the only one that wrote truthfully that only a few hundred people attended the Siyum HoRambam (not "2,000"..!!). Perhaps from now on only impartial people should organize it (not from 1 camp) then people would show up. Otherwise it’s a shame.

  • yosef

    berl. your talking nonsence. nobody shows up beacasue nobody cares anymore about what the rebbe wants. This was a clear Horah from the rebbe to go,what excuse could you have now!

  • confused

    i just want to understand y its called "siyum harambam" if we finished shlosha prokim rambam about 2 months ago and we’re finishing perek echod next year?