Conquering The Streets of New Haven With Pre-Yud Aleph Nissan Mitzvah Tank Parade
Nearly a dozen Mitzvah Tanks took to the streets of New Haven, Connecticut, the home to the famous Yale University, to bring the message of Yud Aleph Nissan to the Jewish residents and students.
The bochurim of Yeshivas Bais Dovid Shlomo of New Haven began their parade Monday escorted by the New Haven Police Department as they traveled the local streets spreading the message of the 121st birthday of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Then the bochurim and Mitzvah Tanks spread out, putting on Tefillin and handing out Matzah to the many Jewish residents and students of the city and beyond. The tanks travelled far and wide, visiting cities across Connecticut including Stamford and others.
The Mitzvah Tanks also made a special stop at the New Haven City Hall, where the Bochurim of the Yeshiva met with Mayor of New Haven Justin Elicker. During their visit, the mayor signed a Proclamation for Yud Aleph Nissan.
Yeshivas Beis Dovid Shlomo, under the direction of Rabbi Yosef Lustig, enjoys worldwide recognition for its excellent academics and the achievements of its students. Due to our well-known reputation, YBDS attracts students from as far away as Europe, Australia, and the Far East.
Founded in 2005-5765, with one class of twenty students, word spread rapidly and the demand for more classes quickly started. In 2009-5769 the Zal program joined the Mesivta, growing in just a few short years to a center of Jewish education for over 150 students.
“Conquering”? Isn’t there a better term to describe this?
“To corners four we’re marching happily,
Nation after nation we are conquering…”