The Blesofsky Family Provides an Update, Gives Thanks As Their Son Continues To Improve
The following letter was penned by R’ Hillel and Mrs. Shevy Blesofsky whose son, Schneur Zalman, continues to battle his injuries sustained in a crash as he and other bochurim were returning to their Yeshiva in the Poconos.
Today is 6 weeks from the crash that brought Zalman into the hospital. In that time, Zalman has come so far and defied expectations many times.
Zalman is now awake, talking, breathing alone, starting to reintroduce foods.
Getting to this point is a journey Hashem decided on for us, and we have been carried by Hashem throughout. With so many wonderful people Hashem had sent us from all over the world.
Family, friends old and new, shluchim, the most incredible team of caring doctors, wonderful organizations that help with medical and other needs.
Although these few weeks have been a journey that no one wants to travel, there have been so many incredible moments of caring and connection along the way.
The tefillos, hachlotas, mitzvos that are being said and done worldwide for Zalman continue to carry us all to the next step.
We have seen the Rebbe’s Brochas so clearly even when the doctors said it would not be possible.
Thank you for reaching out with support in every way.
May we share many simchas together.
Please continue to daven for שניאור זלמן הכהן בן אלישבע
We are still facing health challenges as although Zalman has come a long way he still has a long way to go. We are davening for his vision to return, among other things.
Hillel and Shevy Blesofsky