Bochurim, Lawyers, Judge Test for Smicha
As part of the learning process of the Smicha program, multiple classes have been tested recently by Rabbonim from all around the world.
The groups have been tested by Rabbi Boruch Oberlander of Budapest, Rabbi Levi Cohen of Paris, and Rabbi Shimon Hecht of Park Slope, and have shown great knowledge and fluency in the halachos learnt.
“The tests, both written and oral, have been a great culmination of the entire learning process, and the learning with Rabbi Wilhelm prepared us so well for this moment.” Says talmid Shmuel Dahan of Los Angeles CA,
Machon Lehoraa is a unique program that offers live Shiurim and interaction, alongside charts, recordings, mock tests, and many other tools which are designed to give a strong learning environment for online learning.
More classes are opening after pesach, and now is a great opportunity to join!
For more information about upcoming classes visit Machon Lehoraa Online Smicha’s website at onlinesmicha.com or email admin@onlinesmicha.com