Cheder Chabad of Baltimore Looks To Fill Girls’ Principal Position
Do you know that Baltimore was one of the first cities in the United States that had Lubavitcher Chassidim? Baltimore has been the home to many Chassidim and original Tmimim. The Friediker Rebbe even visited Baltimore during his visit to the United States in 1929!
It is no surprise that Baltimore, Maryland has become a go-to city for many frum families. In recent years, the Baltimore community has seen explosive growth amongst its Anash community. It boasts multiple Chabad shuls, 25 Shluchim in its vicinity and many other resources that make it attractive and an ideal place to raise a frum and chassidishe family.
Its crown jewel is the Cheder Chabad of Baltimore. Cheder Chabad started in the basement of community members with a dozen preschool children fifteen years ago, but now it features 400 students with a full Gan, Boys’ School and Girls’ School – with approximately 140 students in the Girls’ School specifically!
Cheder Chabad Girls School is looking to expand in a new phase of growth. It is looking to recruit a new Limudei Kodesh principal to lead its student body and teachers in educational excellence. For the last five years, Mrs. Chana Pewzner, along with excellent staff, has nurtured many students in their growth as Bnos Chabad and infused the Girls’ School with a palpable chassidishkeit. With the ultimate dedication, Mrs. Pewzner, has built and grown the Girls’ School environment to where it is today.
In its next stage, Cheder Chabad is looking for someone motivated and driven to raise the bar of education, guide and nurture staff growth, and provide consistency and stability through creating and applying process and procedure in a professional manner. The ideal candidate would need to be able to work with others in the various departments, be a good communicator, have educational vision, and value each and every student.
This opportunity would give someone the ability to make a tremendous impact on the Chinuch of many current and future students. As the community grows, Cheder Chabad will continue to expand and provide education and community and the Girls’ Principal will be part and parcel of its growth. The principal will have the opportunity to be a Mashpia for her staff, students, and the entire student body. Her influence will no doubt spill over to the entire Cheder Chabad community.
Starting salary at $75,000+ depending on experience.
Cheder Chabad of Baltimore is a recognized affiliate of Chabad of Maryland, led by Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan.
Are you interested in this position? Please reach out to chederchabadboard@gmail.com