Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Brings On Two Frum Chaplains To Augment Its Chaplaincy Corps


Two Miami Rabbis were inaugurated as chaplains for Miami-Dade Fire Rescue this week, at a welcome ceremony for new chaplains including Rabbi Mark Rosenberg and Rabbi Yossi Harlig.

“MDFR is part of a diverse community with diverse needs,” Miami-Dade Fire Rescue wrote on social media. “Today, we have added three more Community Chaplains to the existing MDFR Chaplaincy Program, bringing a total of 16 MDFR Chaplains.”

Rabbi Mark Rosenberg graduated Talmudic and Rabbinic school at Yeshiva Gdolah Ateres Yisroel in Monsey NY. In 1999 Mark joined the Chessed Shel Emes organization in Brooklyn, and in 2004 Mark was ordained as Rabbi of the organization. When he relocated to Miami Dade County in 2007, he was immediately appointed as the organization’s local director. Mark presently hold multiple chaplaincy roles, including for the Florida State Troopers.

Rabbi Yossi Harlig emigrated to Florida with his wife Nechama in 1995, where they began work as the Shliach and Shlucha of Chabad of Kendall. Yossi holds other chaplaincy positions as well in in South Florida.

The welcome was headed by Raied “Ray” Jadallah, the Chief of Miami-Dade Fire Rescue.

“MDFR continues with its mission to provide responsive professional and humanitarian fire rescue services to the residents and visitors of Miami-Dade County,” the Department said. “In providing such services to the community, the addition of these Community Chaplains fosters a growing culture of spiritual diversity, supporting care and unity within MDFR and all of Miami-Dade County.”

Both Mark and Yossi worked hand in hand with first responders during the Surfside collapse, bringing much needed solace to families and first responders throughout the incident and aftermath.