8th Annual Kinus Mechanchos Chabad to Take Place This Summer In Stamford, CT
The 8th annual Kinus Mechanchos Chabad is scheduled to take place on 20-21 Av, 5783 / August 7-8, 2023 in Stamford, CT. Organized by the Menachem Education Foundation, the Kinus Mechanchos Chabad provides Chabad female educators with two days of networking, workshops and presentations by renowned educators, Rabbanim, Mashpiim/os and mental health experts. The Kinus also features the annual Gala Chinuch Banquet, gourmet meals and elegant accommodations to make the Mechanchos feel honored in their vital role, and provide an opportunity to refresh before the upcoming school year.
In honor of Shnas Hakhel, the Menachem Education Foundation expects the largest crowd to date, with over 600 in attendance. Mechanchos return to the Kinus Mechanchos year after year, for the warm sense of camaraderie and support, as well as the professional development opportunity in the specially curated tracks of workshops and presentations geared for Mechanchos of every age and grade level. Some attend to be wined and dined for two days, but the main goal of the Kinus is its impact. The Menachem Education Foundation organizes the annual Kinus because every single student in the Chabad school system deserves the best education, which starts from educators who are both equipped and empowered.
“I feel that the knowledge I gained at the Kinus is fresh with me every day in my Pre 1A classroom, in every lesson, situation and conversation. I learned to validate and really listen to my students…if not for this Kinus one of my students would not be thriving the way he is. I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to join this past summer, and I look forward to joining again this summer,” shared Mrs. Tovah Steinberg, Pre 1A Teacher at Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitch, Montreal.
With less than six months until the Kinus, planning is in full swing by the Vaad of the Kinus Mechanchos – Mrs. Shana Teichtel, Morah Chanie Brod and Mrs. Batsheva Deren, along with the Menachem Education Foundation’s team, led by Rabbi Zalman Shneur, Executive Director and Mrs. Chanah Rose, Educational Director.
This year’s theme will be centered around Hakhel in Chinuch, with a focus on the importance of educators restoring their strength, skills and connection to reach every child in the classroom.
Rabbi Baruch Hertz, Rav of Kehillas Chabad, and Dean of the Lubavitch Girls High School in Chicago, IL, will be the Rav in residence at the Kinus Mechanchos. In addition to addressing Mechanchos on relevant Chinuch topics through the lens of Halacha and Lubavitch Hashkafah, he will be available for Mechanchos to book consultations to draw on his understanding, advice and experience to answer their Chinuch questions.
The Kinus will feature Dr. Rona Novick, clinical psychologist and expert on bullying and trauma, special education, Jewish education, parenting, positive psychology and social-emotional learning. Her previous addresses at Menachem Education Foundation events have left educators informed on relevant struggles that students today face, and equipped to deal with them.
Mrs. Chanah Rose, Educational Director of the Menachem Education Foundation, who spearheads the Kinus Mechanchos Chabad year after year, shares, “Mechanchos are at the front lines of conveying our Mesorah, meeting students’ needs, and transforming lives and communities. Gathering these incredible educators each year provides a huge infusion of energy into worldwide Chinuch, and this year, for Shnas Hakhel, this will be more true than ever.”
Find out more about the 8th Annual Kinus Mechanchos Chabad by visiting chinuchconvention.org, and look out for updates on opening registration and the full program schedule.