Winners of Hadar Hatorah’s 24th Annual Purim Raffle Announced
Congratulations to the Winners of Hadar Hatorah’s 24th Annual Purim Raffle.
1:$10,000.00 Cash – Fishel Lefkowitz, Brooklyn, NY
2: Megillas Esther – Avi Brotslaw, Brooklyn, NY
3: $1500. Travel – Shmuel Crowe, ISRAEL
4: $1500 Gift Cards – Reuven Nadler, Brooklyn, NY
5: Five Piece Sterling Silver Shabbos Table Set – Niso Zakuto, NY, NY
6: Diamond Pendant – Chanan Kent, Brooklyn, NY
7: Dell Computer – Yisroel Kaplan, Brooklyn, NY
8: Babyzen YOHO2 Stroller – Abi Friedman, North Miami Beach, FL
9: iPhone 14 – Yosef Wolowik, Los Angeles, CA
10: Diamond Bracelet – Fishel Lefkowitz, Brooklyn, NY
11: “Harp of Moshich” by Michoel Muchnik – Shabtai Segal, Brooklyn, NY
12: Michel Schwartz Lithograph (Otiot): Moshe Zirkind, Brooklyn, NY
13: Apple iPad – Levi Wolff, Kingston, PA
14: Canon Digital Camera – Shmuel Korf, Brooklyn, NY
15: $500 B&H – Brian Ramelson, Newton, MA
16: Keurig Coffee – Gabriel Ullman, Havertown, PA
Thanks again to all who helped make the Purim Raffle a huge success!! A Freilichen PURIM!!