43rd Consecutive Year of Distribution of Thousands of Shalach Monos in South Broward, Florida
For the 43rd consecutive year, Chabad of South Broward is distributing thousands of Purim gift bags to seniors in dozens of nursing homes and retirement homes, to patients of all ages in South Broward hospitals, and to boys and girls in numerous schools in South Broward.
According to Rabbi Raphael Tennenhaus, Chabads’ Executive Vice President, “this is the second major outreach activity we organized since our founding in 1980. The first was the Annual South Florida Chassidic Chanukah Festival in December 1980, the second was our distribution of Purim gifts to thousands of the less fortunate, in March 1981,to all those who could not attend Synagogue. The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M Schneerson (1902-1994), encouraged that we bring the joy of Purim to everyone, especially to the infirmed and the home bound”.
Over the years, distribution of Purim gifts by Chabad of South Broward volunteers and staff, has also included giving of these gifts to children in various Preschools and Day Schools.
The smiles and cheer that accompany the Shalach Monos gifts, especially to the loneliest of people, is priceless. “We have been told by many social workers and nurses, that for some seniors, the smiles on their faces, when being remembered by our dedicated volunteers, is the first smile they’ve had, since we visited them Purim of the year before”, the Rabbi added.
As has become the custom the past 21 years, the organizing, the packing and the distribution of the Purim Shalach Monos to seniors and home bound etc, is being carried out by the students of the Chaya Aydel Seminary and arranged by the principal, of the Florida Seminary, Rabbi Yossi Lebovics.
Places already visited this year with Shalach Monos and smiles by the Chaya Aydel Seminary
The Plaza of Hallandale beach;
The Peninsula;
Chabad pre school of Emerald Hills- Hollywood;
The Jewish Academy;
Midtown Manor;
Lincoln Manor; and more!
To help Chabad of South Broward’s “Mivtzah Purim With a Shturem”, numerous Dollars of the Rebbe will be raffled Monday night during the Purim Hakhel Musical Event featuring Meilech Kohn.
Any co-sponsor who donates $500 or more for “Mivtzah Purim with a Shturem” in South Broward will have their name once in the Lottery for a Rebbe Dollar on Purim, the Festival of Lots!
Any main sponsor of $2,500 or more will have their name five times in the Lottery for a “new” Rebbe Dollar, with all the blessings attached to a Rebbe Dollar.
Any Major Sponsor of $5,000 or more will have their name ten times in the Purim Lottery for several Rebbe Dollars.
Only a handful of Rebbe Dollars remain in the possession of Chabad of South Broward.
To bypass the Lottery, a Rebbe Dollar can be purchased for $11,000.
To Make a donation: Click Here