Chabad on Campus Introduces New Two-Year Shlichus Program
BH Chabad on Campus is thriving.
Ask anyone. Chabad is the place to be on campus.
The unique value of Chabad on Campus is the Shluchim and Shluchos, who are uniquely dedicated to share a unique way of connecting with Jewish students through Ahavas Yisroel based on the teachings of Chassidus.
Yet, as many students are involved, there are still so many more students to engage.
For many years, many Shluchim on campus have been looking for a way to bring out additional Shluchim who can engage more students with this unique approach.
Introducing the new Chabad on Campus Two-Year Shlichus Program: a two-year program for married couples to work as Shluchim with established campus Shluchim.
For both parties, it will be clear from the beginning that it is a strictly two-year commitment. The intent is that the young couple will get to learn and apprentice, and the established Shluchim will have invaluable assistance in their Shlichus to engage more students and develop deeper relationships.
It’s a win-win. The model will allow young couples to dedicate two years to Shlichus before pursuing Shlichus opportunities or other careers, and get real-world campus Shlichus experience and training if they choose to explore a long-term Shlichus. It will also enable established Shluchim to bring additional Shluchim couples without the pressure of a lifetime commitment.
“We are beyond excited to see this initiative give young couples the opportunity to dedicate two years to a Shlichus experience!” enthused a Chabad on Campus Shlucha. “Without any daunting long-term pressures, this is a unique way to accomplish something special with your spouse! This model is a game-changer and will bring a beautiful dynamic to the Shlichus community!”
Well-known Shlichus Mediator, Rabbi Aaron Herman, will work with all participating Chabad Houses and couples to develop the job description, contract, onboarding process, continued check-ins, and strong communication best practices to ensure a successful outcome for all parties.
To allow Chabad Houses to consider this growth opportunity, the Rohr Family Foundation has generously pledged a matching grant for participating Chabad Houses.
“It is critical for us to help more Shluchim and Shluchos join the vibrant world of campus Shlichus to engage more students,” explained Rabbi Avi Weinstein, Chief Operating Officer of Chabad on Campus International. “This initiative aims to create a transparent and clear process that will ensure satisfaction and success for the established Shluchim, the young Shluchim couples, and hundreds of thousands of college students whose neshamas are waiting to be ignited.”
A limited number of campus Chabad Houses are joining the program this year.
Chabad on Campus International is seeking couples to join this rewarding two-year Shlichus program. Interested? Submit an application form here.
Questions? Contact help@chabadoncampus.org