Inspiration Through Painting, Keren Gordon Art


The Arizal teaches that eyesight connects a person with the subject being viewed, and whatever one sees leaves an impression on their Neshama. This became a life lesson and direction for Keren Gordon, a mother and artist whose Rebbe paintings have taken the Chabad community by storm.

Keren Gordon paints a picture of the Rebbe on Canvas

“Its important to me that my paintings will add kedusha to peoples homes,” Keren Gordon told “I want to inspire through my paintings.”

As a child, Keren found her support in artistic expression through her father, who purchased canvasses and expensive oil paints for her so that she could use her talents and create her artwork.

After getting married and being blessed with children, finding time to paint became a challenge, causing her to take a nearly ten year hiatus from the art that she loved. That changed soon after she moved to Kingston, Pennsylvania, where a larger home with bare walls called her back to her passion.

Starting with acrylic paints, Keren began filling the walls of her home with paintings of the Rebbe and the Beis Hamikdash. Within a short time, there was little room left for more paintings, but Keren had returned to what she loved and continued to paint more.

“Soon I had enough extra paintings where I was able to start selling them,” she said. “Thats how my business began.”

Keren opened up a website,, where she sells originals and prints of her work.

“I love to explore different styles, as you see my style is all over the place,” Keren pointed out. “Some days I feel like painting realistic, some days I feel like painting colorful and expressive. I find many different styles of art to be beautiful and am inspired by all different kinds of art. I try to push myself on a regular basis to go out if my comfort zone and try something a little different.”

Always starting off her paintings with a tefillah, Keren infuses her work with faith, asking Hashem that her painting should be successful and asking the Rebbe for a brocha.

From easily recognizable portraits of the Rebbe to small paintings of Shir Hamaalos, Keren Gordon has the perfect painting for every Jewish home.

Take a look at her art at