First of Many Global Seder Sichos
Just a few short weeks ago, over a thousand bochurim joined together in Crown Heights for the 19th Annual Kinus Hatmimim. The program entailed a grand Hakhel Seder Sichos, where all the Bochurim learned the same Sicha of the Rebbe. After that, the Bochurim were addressed by prominent Mashpi’im regarding the importance of Hakhel and learning the Rebbe’s Torah.
In continuation to this great Hakhel, the Vaad Hatmimim in conjunction with the Talmidim Hashluchim in each yeshivah arranged a unique Seder Sichos initiative. The worldwide community of Bochurim, each in their respective locations, united through learning the Rebbe’s Torah, all learning the same Sicha.
At the first Seder Sichos, held in proximity to Chof Beis Shevat, over 25 Yeshivas learned the same Sicha together, each in their corner of the world.
In each yeshivah, prizes were raffled off for all the bochurim that participated.
These Hakhel Seder Sichos will be held bi-weekly.

Lazer Cohen
Is there a way to join program even though one does not dwell in Brooklyn????