Shluchim Online School Students Join Together For Day Of Celebration
Classmates, teachers and mothers of the Nigri International Shluchim Online School joined together for their annual reunion, a once a year event where they get to see each other in person and connect.
Every year, the students of the virtual school of the Shluchim Office eagerly await the annual Day of Celebration where they get to meet and spend a day with their classmates and teachers. This year’s event was extra special with the largest number of students joining together in honor of the Hakhel year. Many of the students and teachers traveled great distances to join, even from international destinations far away.
“It was so amazing to see all of my friends and teachers in real life,” said Rochelle Hurwitz, 8th grade student from Budapest, Hungary. “It almost didn’t feel real to be in a real classroom with everyone and finally meet my classmates, teachers and principal in person!
The program began with the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s Kapitel and inspirational words from fellow students and teachers. Each class presented a song or skit that they had excitedly prepared for weeks together and had so much fun getting to blow their trumpets at this year’s Hakhel themed Roll Call. Both parents and students shared joyful thanks for the outstanding Chinuch and special friendship opportunities the school provides every day.
The girls were surprised and honored to be treated to a special concert with renowned singer Bracha Jaffe and had the best time singing and dancing together with her. The girls got to spend quality time with their teachers and classmates in a real classroom setting, learning and soaking up this rare opportunity before taking a beautiful school picture.
“I was so touched to see how much love there was in the room, how the children love each other, how the children love their teachers and teachers love their students” said Mrs. Devorah Hurwitz, Shlucha to Budapest, Hungary and Rochelle’s mother. “It was so incredible seeing everyone come together, thanks for making our school an extraordinary place to be.”
The program was led by director Morah Devora Leah Notik and Bnos Chabad coordinators, Mushkie Hecht and Brachi Werner. Special thanks to the dedicated team of staff including Altie Kaminetzky, Sorale Vogel and Zelda Posner for making the event such a great success.
The Nigri International Shluchim Online School is a division of the Shluchim Office under Rabbi Gedalya & Bassie Shemtov.