TefilinForYitzi Starting Today With A Twist
This coming Thursday, Beis Adar, we will be celebrating the 51st birthday of our fellow Chossid, Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz, לאויוש״ט.
But this day marks more than just his birthday. On Thursday, it will be exactly ten years to the day that Rabbi Yitzi was diagnosed with ALS and six years since Rabbi Yitzi’s birthday turned into a celebration of his global impact. Every year on this day, thousands give Rabbi Yitzi the ultimate gift by putting on Tefillin for his recovery.
Connecting the campaign to Tefillin was simple. Rabbi Yitzi always demonstrated tremendous passion for the Rebbe’s Mitzvah campaign, specifically Mivtzah Tefillin. Unable to physically lay Tefillin on others, our efforts give Rabbi Yitzi the gift he so desires.
He once shared that when he was first diagnosed, his head (most notably his speech) and his left arm were the first parts of his body to be affected. These are the two places where Tefillin are placed, making the mitzvah of Tefillin especially meaningful.
Since then, TefillinForYitzi has continued to grow. Every year, a larger number of people are touched by this campaign as more Mitzvos are added to the queue. Starting as a campaign focused mainly on Mivtza Tefillin, it grew into an effort to promote many different Mitzvos, especially the Mitzvah of lighting Shabbos candles.
However, even as the campaign continues to grow, the organizers feel that there is still more to be done. What about people who were never comfortable going on Mivtzoyim? How could they give back and show Rabbi Yitzi what an inspiration he is?
Well, first of all, this is an excellent opportunity to push yourself out of your comfort zone and do a little Mivtzoyim. Think of one person you may know who you can help perform a Mitzvah. But there’s more.
With Rabbi Yitzi’s approval, a birthday registry was created on the TefillinForYitzi website (TefillinForYitzi.com/Registry). Included are different simple ways to give back. You can send him your birthday wishes, follow him on social media, challenge a friend to Mitzvah, or even buy a Mitzvah for them, all in Rabbi Yitzi’s honor.
The goal for this year’s campaign is 30,000 birthday gifts throughout this week. Rabbi Yitzi has expressed extreme appreciation for those who have contributed in the past. “Ever since thousands of you began gifting me these incredible #TefillinForYitzi campaigns for my birthday,” Rabbi Yitzi related using his eye-controlled computer, “I feel like I’ve regained a big part of my prior life and, actually, in greater measure than before!”
Go to TefillinForYitzi.com, print a selfie card, and start wrapping!
Then send your pictures in via WhatsApp (or text): (770) 810-5134 (or email: TefillinForYitzi@gmail.com)
Don’t forget to share with the hashtag #TefillinForYitzi