Kinus Hashluchos 5783: Gala Banquet Celebrates Hakhel

The 33rd annual Kinus Hashluchos banquet took place last night at the New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center, a grand finale to the five-day conference for Chabad Lubavitch Shluchos from all around the world. The grand gala banquet was a musical and spiritual celebration that brought together nearly 4,000 women from 6 continents.

The event opened with a tribute to the Rebbetzin, featuring 7 Shluchos who represented each continent. The evening continued with a special focus on the Tzeirei Hashluchos, the children of the Shluchos, and their role in the future of Shlichus. The keynote address was given by Mrs. Miriam Moskovitz from Kharkiv, Ukraine, who shared her experiences on Shlichus, particularly how her Shlichus continued despite the tragic upheaval in Ukraine over the past year.

The evening was filled with prayers, blessings, and a call to action to continue the annual Kinus Hachlata announced by Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Chairman of the International Conference of Shluchos. The guest address was given by Mrs. Sivan Rahav-Meir, the world-renowned Israeli journalist and radio & TV personality.

The International Roll Call was a highlight of the evening, as Shluchos from each continent and over 100 countries were recognized.

The Kinus Hashluchos banquet was a celebration of the dedication and hard work of the Shluchos and their families around the world. It was a time to come together in this Hakhel year to share experiences and inspire one another to continue their important mission.

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