Expand770: Who Is Preventing The Expansion?
by Levi Jacobson
Almost every conversation about promoting expansion includes the following questions, “Who are the main people stopping the expansion, what are you going to do about these guys and how are you going to resolve the conflict with them?”
Understandably so, people want to speak practically when it comes to a practical mission like expanding a shul. People want to get to the core of the problem and they want to know how we’re going to resolve the issues. After that we can talk realistically about an expansion project.
But, before we start assuming and theorizing, finding the core problem, the first step is actually to figure out what the end goal is. When a person wants to start a business, you can’t figure out what your challenges are and who your competitors are until you first know what your business is selling. Otherwise, you’re bound to get caught up fighting markets of a completely different industry and burning bridges with companies who are actually able to service your business.
What is the end goal of expansion? What is the vision?
In Kuntres Beis Rabeinu, the Rebbe explains a Gemorah[1] that speaks about the Shechina always remaining with the Jewish people, even during exile. The Gemorah tells us that during exile, there is one main mikdosh me’at, Beis Rabeinu (where the Rebbe is), the substitute for the Beis Hamikdosh. Ever since the Frierdiker Rebbe established the headquarters of Lubavitch in 770, during the 7th decade of his life in this world, this place, 770, is the substitute of the Beis Hamikdosh until the time of Moshiach’s arrival speedily in our days[2].
When the Beis Hamikdosh Hashlishi will be revealed and descend from heaven, it will first descend where the Shechina is currently residing, that place being 770 Eastern Parkway[3]. From there it will move back to it’s permanent place in Yerushalayim.
In Tehillim, chapter 30, Dovid Hamelech sings a song for the future inauguration of the Beis Hamikdosh. Verse 2 reads, “And you have not allowed my enemies to rejoice over me.” The Alter Rebbe explains[4] that the enemies mentioned in this verse are the accusing angels! When the Jews sinned with the golden calf, the angels made a kitrug against the Yidden[5], “Why should Hashem want to live with a bunch of sinners?” But when Hashem commanded the Jews to build the Mishkan (Beis Hamikdosh), the angels stopped celebrating, for Hashem was forgiving the sins of the Jews so that He could dwell in their midst.
Hashem specifically chose man, a neshama beguf, who has the capability of sinning yet overcomes his desires, to dwell amongst, fulfilling the purpose of creation, Dira B’tachtonim. Hashem wanted that every Jew should be able to visit the Beis Hamikdosh, joining his nishama’s flame with those of his brethren until ultimately they are all united and enveloped by the great big torch of Hashem’s Shechina, and then harness that energy to carry with them as they return to their everyday lives back home.
The enemy angels wanted Hashem all for themselves, but Hashem did not allow them to mock our sinful past, and instead He chose us over them.
My dear friends, fellow chassidim of the Rebbe:
Let’s not let the angels confuse us with our differences.
Hashem knows that we have faults, and He knows that we are prone to sinning and getting things wrong, Chas Vesholom. Yet, Hashem chooses us and He wants to bring the Beis Hamikdosh to us in 770, regardless of our situation and regardless of how worthy we may be.
All we need to do כאיש אחד בלב אחד, as one person with one heart[6], is [7]נעשה ונשמע. Without waiting to understand how, we will fulfill the mission that the Rebbe tasked us with, להשתתף בגופו.[8] Each and every one of us must physically participate in promoting and encouraging the expansion of 770.
The Rebbe wants expansion, and every chossid wants expansion.
Let us stop getting distracted by the only true enemies of the expansion, the angels with all their ploys to delay us from completing our final mission.
Nothing is standing in our way to expand today!
Join me now in promoting and encouraging the expansion, each one in our own capacity and in our own sphere of influence, and by saying Kapitel Lamed of Tehillim every day in merit of the expansion.
Please visit the website Expand770.com and physically participate by buying a yard sign and joining our other initiatives to actively promote the expansion. We can also use the help of your generous donations so that we can continue to inspire every Lubavitcher to join this effort until we bring the Beis Hamikdosh down together.
Levik Jacobson
Expand 770 Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization with the mission of promoting and encouraging the expansion of 770.
[1] Megilla 29a and Maharsha.
[2] Kuntres Beis Rabeinu ch. 6-8
[3] Ibid. ch. 4-5
[4] Likutei Torah Devorim 98a
[5] Midrash Tehillim ch. 8
[6] Shmois 19:2 Rashi
[7] Ibid. 19:8 and 24:7
[8] Kuntres Beis Rabeinu ch. 8 and footnote 105.