Kinus Hashluchos Invites Crown Heights Women To Join Oneg Shabbos and Farbrengens
In the spirit of the Hakhel year, the Kinus Hashluchos is inviting all women of the Crown Heights community to join the Friday night Oneg Shabbos and Farbrengens taking place in the neighborhood this week.
The Oneg Shabbos event will take place on Friday night at 9:30 PM in the Oholei Torah Ballroom, with a lineup of inspiring Shluchos, including Mrs. Rochel Baila Yaffe from Guilford, CT, Mrs. Mirel Mintz from Tiburon, CA, Mrs. Shterny Gurary from Los Angeles, CA, and Mrs. Chaya Teldon from Long Island, NY.
In addition to the Oneg Shabbos, there will be parallel Farbrengens taking place in various homes throughout Crown Heights. The Farbregens will explore the theme of “Hakhel Within: Exploring the Hakhel in Me” and feature inspirational Shluchos, including Mrs. Henya Laine, Mrs. Mindy Shemtov, Mrs. Vivi Deren, Mrs. Miriam Meltzer and Mrs. Tzipah Wertheimer, and Mrs. Roche Sandhaus, Mrs. Bina Stiefel, and Mrs. Brocha Lent.
The Kinus Hashluchos is a unique opportunity for all Lubavitcher women to come together, connect, and inspire one another. All women of the Crown Heights community are invited to join in these inspirational events and take part in this unique celebration of the Hakehl year.
Farbrengen Locations:
Farbrengen Location #1 At the Home of Esty Heller 564 Empire Blvd. (Between Kingston and Brooklyn) Farbrengen with Mrs. Henya Laine and Her Daughters
Farbrengen Location #2 At the Home of Chavi Katzman 699 Crown St. (Between Troy and Schenectady) Farbrengen with Mrs. Mindy Shemtov and Her Daughters
Farbrengen Location #3 At the Home of Nechama Shur 159 E. 38th St. (Between Lenox and Linden) Farbrengen with Mrs. Miriam Meltzer and Mrs. Tzipah Wertheimer
Farbrengen Location #4 At the Home of Rocchie Sandhaus 178 E. 92nd St. (Between Rutland and Winthrop) Farbrengen with Mrs. Rocchie Sandhaus, Mrs. Bina Stiefel, and Mrs. Brocha Lent.
Farbrengen Location #5 Mrs. Vivi Deren, Shlucha in Stamford, Connecticut, will lead a Farbrengen in Hebrew in the large hall of the United Lubavitcher Yeshiva building at 570 Crown Street, Albany entrance.