TONIGHT Part #6: Learn Why We Want to Expand 770, Learn Kuntres Beis Rabbeinu
Tonight, Sunday Tu bishvat (2/5/23), at 9:30pm 770time (EST) please join us on zoom as we continue with part 6 of our shiur in learning the Kuntres Beis Rabbeinu, so we remember why we need to Expand 770!
Please click this URL to join us tonight: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/7707705783?pwd=dm1LcEVUVHhKenZQNUk4WG5VTWM0dz09
To view the past 5 Shiurim:
One of our initiatives to promote and encourage the expansion of 770 is to arrange shiurim in Kuntres Beis Rabbeinu in Anash communities and Lubavitch Yeshivos worldwide, including a mivtza in Yeshivos.
There should be no Jew who has not learned the kuntres, that instructs us to each get involved in expanding 770 as a preparation to bring the beis hamikdosh down.
Our mission is to promote and encourage the expansion of 770.
Check out Expand770.com and start promoting and encouraging the expansion today!