ENDED: Yud Shvat Panel and Farbrengen
Join thousands of Chassidim TONIGHT, Tuesday, eve of Yud Shevat at 9:00 PM in celebrating 73 years of the Rebbe’s leadership!
Joined by many Chassidim who merited to be present on Yud Shvat 5711, and at the beginning of the Nesius, who will share their personal experiences. Among them will be Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, Rabbi Moshe Herson, Rabbi Azriel Chaikin, Rabbi Dovid Schochet, Rabbi Yosef Abrahams, and Rabbi Meir Harlig. Also speaking will be Rabbi Sholom Ber Lipskar, Rabbi Moshe New and Rabbi Shais Taub, and emceeing the event will be Rabbi Yosef Greenberg.
The program will be followed by an inspirational farbrengen with Shluchim and Mashpi’im.
You can join on zoom at OrVechom.com/Zoom or live on youtube OrVechom.com/Live.
For the entire Yud Shevat resource site, to learn this year’s Basi Legani, and to learn how to mark the day of Yud Shevat, please visit YudShevat.org