BDE: R’ Eliyahu Batvinikov, OBM
With great sadness we report the passing of R’ Eliyahu Batvinikov OBM, a member of Anash and resident of Seagate in Brooklyn. He passed away on Tuesday, the 24th of Teves, 5783.
He is survived by his wife and children.
The Levaya will take place on Wednesday, and will pass by 770 at approximately 11:15am.
Shiva information to be announced.
Boruch Dayan Hoemes
Zalman K.
R’ Eliyahu Botvinnikov, a resident of Crown Heights and more recently of Sea Gate, NY, passed away on Tuesday, 24 Teves, 5783. He was 67.
R’ Eliyahu grew up in Samarkand, and would relate that he remembered attending Chassidishe Farbrengens as a child there with his father, who had traveled there from Kremenchuk during the war.
He later emigrated with his family from Russia, with their firs