Student Rabbis Bring the Light of Chanukah to Uzbekistan

Students on behalf of Merkoz Shlichus of Or Avner Chabad with the help of the Bucharian Congress, went to Uzbekistan to bring the light of Chanukah to all the Jews in all cities there.

“The students Shmuel and Mordecai Gotsel have visited over 2,000 Jews throughout the whole Uzbekistan,” says Rabbi Yehuda Bloi Chairman of the Bucharian Congress. “They have made a public menorah lightings in over five cities including Tashkent, Samarkand, Buchara, and more.”

Many Jews had a chance to celebrate Chanukah thanks to these students, and some for the first time in their life.

A big thank you goes to Rabbi Berel Lazar for always assisting the Bucharian Congress and helping the Jews in Uzbekistan.