Shazak Releases 25 Kosher Games
Has this ever happened to you?
You download a game app to play with your kids–backgammon or checkers, or whatever you remember from your pre-screen childhood days–only to discover that the loud, flashy ads, disturbing images, are not compatible with our Torah values. And by clicking on those ads, they end up in inappropriate sites?
If you answered yes, you are not alone. Thousands of Jewish parents struggle to find kosher, clean digital spaces to have fun with their kids.
Introducing, filled with classic games, such as Connect Four, Checkers, Backgammon, Chess, and more favorite family board games, as well as several educational games to learn and master.
The Shazak Kosher Games basic collection is provided free of charge as a public service, with the exclusive full collection of 25 games being open to Shazak subscribers.
“Our tagline is Shazak… Where Learning Meets Fun,” explains Shazak founder and creator, Rabbi Moshe Moscowitz. “Parsha, Yomim Tovim, games… our goal is to create an all-encompassing space where children will associate Torah learning with fun and excitement. I consider these games as a sort of ‘recess’ after spending time with Shazak Parsha/Holidays, which in itself is learning and fun.”
The games portal comes as Shazak continues to grow its offering of educational Torah entertainment for kids of all ages. This year, Shazak has introduced Shazak Junior, a digital audio/visual e-book version of Shazak Parsha aimed for preschoolers.