Lubavitch Hebrew Academy Joins Hakhel, Hei Teves and Tanya

This is the Lubavitch Hebrew Academy commitment: every student in our school will acquire at least one new book to add to their own personal Jewish Library at home. This is in conjunction with the Chassidic holiday of Hei Teves. But this year our pledge to our students went up three notches. Children are not only getting a book, they are printing one!

Over the last three years, LHA has grown 25%. With over 550 students our dedication to a Chassidishe education has only strengthened. So now students are involved in printing a special “Hakhel Tanya,” the first of its kind right here in Margate, Florida.

Our morning began with an open house for our Early Childhood parents. Each early childhood class published its own Mitzvah book to take home for their families. After the book presentations, parents and EC students had an opportunity to browse the expansive book collection and shop for additional books to purchase for home.

As is well known, the Rebbe encouraged printing editions of the Tanya in locations worldwide. In honor of this Hakhel year, we gave everyone in our LHA family the opportunity to join together and participate in this momentous occasion. This Hakhel Tanya publication not only brought together our student and parent body but visiting shluchim from all over South Florida along with our State Senator Tina Polsky participated in this incredible milestone. A full listing of everyone that participated in this publication will be printed in the back of the LHA Hakhel Tanya.

By the end of the day, in honor of Hei Teves, LHA gifted more than 550 seforim that went home with our students. In addition, each student will receive their own LHA Tanya to be distributed on Yud Shvat. The total cost of the entire project exceeded $30,000 but LHA is taking last year’s bar, and setting it even higher to bring together Hakhel, Hei Teves and Tanya.

Photo credits: Nechama Gutman

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